Check your blood pressure

Are you living with high blood pressure?

BP@Home is a mobile app-based service which enables people to take their blood pressure readings in the comfort of their own home and share them directly with their clinical team, saving time for the patient and their general practice surgery. As well as reminding the patient to take their blood pressure reading and to take their medication, the clinical team can make changes to the patient’s medication when required.

Why use the BP@Home service

  • Blood pressure readings when taken at home give a better reflection of your blood pressure as you are more relaxed.

  • It gives you peace of mind knowing your clinician is aware of your recent blood pressure.

  • No need for regular visits to your GP surgery.

  • It’s quick and easy.

  • Clinicians can identify if your blood pressure is elevated quickly and optimise your medication.

  • Help prevent serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, atrial fibrillation (irregular heart) and vascular dementia.

Join nearly 4,000 people in Dorset using BP@Home

Reducing the risk of heart failure and stroke by 23% after six months on the platform

BP@Home stories

Watch our patient stories video and find how the BP@Home app is helping people in Dorset to manage their blood pressure.

Dr Martin Longley, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Clinical Lead and Associate Medical Director, Dorset County Hospital:

“BP@Home is revolutionising blood pressure management and it’s great to see Dorset leading the way, with general practice engaged and supporting patients to manage and control their blood pressure through the app. Not only have we seen a significant reduction in blood pressure from hypertensive people in Dorset since using the app, but it also reduces the need for face-to-face appointments, saving time and costs for both patients and clinicians.”

Martin’s BP@Home story

Martin shares his experience of the BP@Home service:

“I’m not having to go into the doctor’s and queue to see the receptionist.”

Janet’s BP@Home story

Janet shares her experience of the BP@Home service:

“I use the app to monitor my blood pressure and the surgery monitor it through the app as well.”

Julie’s BP@Home story

Julie shares her experience of the BP@Home service:

“It’s so easy to use and I’m more confident in my ability to monitor and manage my blood pressure. My husband is using it as well.”


Get involved in the campaign

Thank you for supporting the campaign. We have included a range of resources in this toolkit, including digital assets, social media and print assets, for you to promote the BP@Home app on your channels and around your local area.

If you would like to request printed resources email

Our BP@Home campaign resources supports the Blood Pressure UK “Know Your Numbers Week” campaign as part of NHS South West’s drive to reduce high blood pressure across the region.

