Here’s ten little things you can do this winter that will make a big difference to those around you.
Donate to a food bank
Adding an item for the food bank to your shopping list each week is a great way to help people in need. Check what items are needed at your supermarket’s donation collection point.
Volunteer locally
There are hundreds of ways to get involved with your local community. Even an hour of your time can help local voluntary organisations to keep doing their fantastic work.
Check in with friends
A little kindness goes a long way. Send a message, make a call, or drop-in on friends to see how they’re doing, especially if you think they may be struggling at this time of year.
Make sure your kids get their flu vaccination
Flu isn’t a lot of fun, especially for kids. Getting them vaccinated can help protect them. Not only that, it’ll help prevent your child from becoming a ‘super-spreader,’ meaning they’ll be less likely to pass on the flu virus to others, protecting more vulnerable people in your community.
Find out more about flu vaccinations for children and become a Flu Fighter.
Support relatives and friends to leave hospital
If you know someone who’s currently in hospital, helping out when they’re ready to leave hospital can make a huge difference. Your loved one can continue their recovery somewhere more comfortable, and you’re helping to free up a hospital bed for someone who really needs it.
Be kind to others
You don’t always know what people are going through, and this time of year can be hard. Remember to be kind.
Access mental health support if you need to.
Offer to help out
Icy, cold weather can make it difficult for some people to get out and about. Offer to pick up some shopping, walk a dog, or pop in for a natter with someone who might otherwise be stuck in or risking their health by going outside when the weather is bad.
Donate warm clothes, socks and blankets
Warm clothes and blankets are life-saving for many people at this time of year.
The Help and Kindness website has info on where to find affordable clothing.
Help people stay connected
Loneliness can have a real impact on people’s health and wellbeing. Help people in your community to stay connected.
The Public Health Dorset website has some great tips for people who are experiencing loneliness.
Help and Kindness also has a bunch of useful links to help people who are feeling lonely.
Buy a coffee for someone in need
Next time you buy a coffee, ask if the coffee shop has a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where you can buy a warm drink for someone in need.

Little things, BIG difference
Join us on this journey of giving and be a part of the movement that proves how little things can truly make a big difference.
Together, we can create stronger, more connected communities across Dorset.
Let’s give a little and make a lasting impact.
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