Become a flu fighting superhero this winter
The Flu Fighters are here to help you become a flu-fighting superhero by teaching you how you can help defeat the nasty, slimy, smelly flu bugs this winter.
Have the quick, pain-free, squirt up the nose vaccination to get your flu fighting superpowers!
Adults – one of the best ways you can help is to make sure your child has their free flu vaccination.
If your child is at school: Please complete the online children’s flu vaccination consent form at least seven working days before your school’s flu vaccination clinic.
Help pre-school children become flu fighters too!
The free flu vaccination is also available for two and three year olds. It is the same, quick, pain-free, squirt up the nose vaccination.
Book in with your general practice surgery today.
Watch more of the flu fighters series, where they defeat more bad germs and go on vacc-tastic voyages!
Flu Fighters in Close Encounters of the Germed Kind
Flu Fighters on a Vacc-tastic Voyage
More information for parents about the NHS school vaccination service
Read more about Dorset School Age Immunisation Service on the Dorset Healthcare website.
The flu vaccination is given by a nasal spray but you can ask for the injectable vaccination if you need a porcine-free alternative.
If your child misses the school vaccination, please contact the school immunisation team to book into a clinic:
Complete the online form if you have an enquiry about the School Age Immunisation Service, or, you can get in touch by calling 01425 891162 or emailing dhc.immsenquiries@nhs.net.